Way back in 1971, C.P. Snow wrote about technology in the New York Times. He said, “Technology… is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other.”Many dealers are voicing that sentiment these days. Far too few have done anything about it. Some have learned to use computer software with skill. They use the apps on iPhones, iPads, and Blackberries. They have created an effective Web site. They use Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn for social networking. For others, these are merely words and technologies that test their ability to conduct both business and their private lives. Dealers, already feeling the brunt of the two-plus year recession and massive changes in the car industry, are becoming increasingly concerned about their ability to not only keep up, but to even remain in the playing field.Why should dealers bother with such things? Isn’t the old way good enough? Nope!Customers who always shopped on the lot are now shopping on the Internet before they take a step toward a dealership. They’ve researched every model in their price range and with the features they want. They’ve read a dozen articles about how to get the best deal. They’ve become more savvy than many sales people hired by dealerships; they know their credit score; they know where they can find the best price on insurance, window tinting, undercoating, you name it. Everything once sold to them by a finance officer from the menu is for sale on the Internet.Are you one of the dealerships where handwringing has become a daily pastime? Have you taken a close look at your bottom line? Have you noticed what would happen to your finance portfolio if you removed your sub-vent rated and nonprime customers? Have the numbers of your prime-financing customers dwindled to an all-time low? Perhaps you haven’t seen the drop in your captive financing yet, but beware, it’s coming just as surely as the first snowstorm.Snow was right, back in 1971! The Internet can either become a beacon for drawing in more satisfied customers to your dealership and vastly increase your bottom line, or it can stab you in the back. It can be your best friend or your worst enemy. How?Statistics show that 80% of car customers go online before they make the decision to buy and before they come to your dealership. What are they researching? Brands, models, features and, most of all, prices. Most of all, prices. The majority of Americans in today’s economy are deeply concerned about their budget. They have a fixed amount to spend on a car payment and all the other expenses involved in owning it. The vehicle they choose must fit within that fixed figure. They cannot afford to buy on whim or to make a careless mistake. They won’t take the chance of being bamboozled into buying things they don’t want, don’t need, and can’t afford by a fast-talking sales or finance mangerWhere do these savvy customers get their information? One of their first sources is Edmunds, the friendly consumer-shopping guide. Edmunds has never been and still isn’t the dealer’s friend. Edmunds does whatever is necessary to achieve the sale on vehicles and products from the Internet shopper… and then refers these buyer to specific retailers to obtain a fee! Banks. Finance companies. Insurance companies. You name it.Don’t let them get a strangle hold on your customers! If you haven’t already checked this article on Edmunds.com, perhaps you should do so right now!Confessions of an Auto Finance Manager In the Back Rooms of America’s Car Dealerships By Philip Reed, Senior Consumer Advice Editor and Nick JamesIntroduction”Congratulations, you’re getting a great deal!” the car salesman says, pumping your hand. “Let’s sign the paperwork and you’ll be on your way in your new car!”At first you’re relieved – the negotiating is over. But then the salesman walks you down a back hallway to a stark, cramped office with “Finance and Insurance” on the door. Inside, a man in a suit sits behind the desk. He greets you with a faint smile on his face. An hour later you walk out in a daze: The whole deal was reworked, your monthly payment soared and you bought products you didn’t really want.What happened to your great deal?You just got hit by the “F&I Man,” also called the finance officer. He waits in the back of every dealership for unsuspecting customers so he can increase the profit for the dealership and boost his commission.In this four-part series, written by veteran auto finance manager Nick James, you will learn the F&I man’s tricks and how to avoid them. When you’re done, you’ll be ready to safely navigate this crucial part of the car buying process, and the F&I man will never work his “magic” on you again.- The Editors at Edmunds.comAre you still ushering your customers into the office of your “F&I Man”? No? You have a Web site? You update it once a month? You have a tech-savvy employee who checks your e-mail messages every morning? BUT… how would you answer these questions?When your potential customers come to your Web site, what resources do you have available to steer them away from online financing? Do you have a quick reference guide for their buying the vehicle that fits their budget and your financing terms? Is the information presented in a complete, forthright and friendly manner? Does it enlist confidence and trust? Will readers feel they’d get a no-nonsense financing deal from you?If these online customers make a call to ask a few questions, does your finance manager answer them, or resort to the former game of “I can only reveal those options when you come in for an interview”? Does he or she become discouraged by the process of reviewing transactions over the phone? Does your Internet manager have direct access to your finance manager at all times; avoid posting rates and product pricing on your Web site; work well with your sales and finance departments? Have you utilized the I-chat technology now readily available to instantly answer your customers’ finance questions? How many phone calls to your finance department go unanswered on a daily basis? How are online customer calls being handled in your F&I office?Reducing your finance penetration will not only effect the overall performance of your dealership, but will negatively effective your reinsurance investment. If your customers are financing with someone else, they could also be buying their other products. Take a long and serious look at the insurance products you sell, the agent who works with you, and the changes that must be made to keep you competitive with the technology available to all your customers. You must remain competitive in products offered, their quality, and their prices. Should you be considering a new partner?What new and creative processes are you providing your current and potential customers within your Web site? Have you considered presenting your menu as a virtual finance manager? Do you have WebEx with a preloaded menu available for review with your customers whether they are onsite in your finance office or sitting in the comfort of their home? Why not?An upfront sales approach is the best way to reestablish a thriving business in today’s technological world. Teenagers and college students are facile in the use of every conceivable tool involving the information highway. They are your future customers. They will find Edmunds and every comparable site and use the information to their advantage. Provide them with a dozen reasons to buy their vehicle and products from your dealership. Ensure them that financing their dream car with you is the only sensible choice.Although computer use and Internet technology has been around for several decades, it has taken a giant leap in recent years as more and more consumers realize they can save themselves time and money by letting their fingers do the walking. Another great American journalist, Sydney J. Harris, who wrote for the Chicago Daily News and later the Chicago Sun-Times, died in the late 80s; but, he was savvy about where technology would take us. He said, “The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that men will begin to think like computers.”We’ve reached that point. Where in the world is your finance penetration? It’s time to find out! Do it… today.
Quinoa Nutritional Value: Best For People Who Want To Lose Weight
With every food we buy, whether processed or not, it is imperative to know what you are or what you’ll be eating – meaning the nutritional value that you get from your meal. Food or dining is not simply a form of entertainment or filling one’s stomach; it’s also about caring for your health and physique.For sure you have heard or read of Quinoa, the super food, many times already; or even if this is your first time. I’m sure you’re still excited and curious to know what it contains that people are branding it super food and mother of all grains. In this article, you’ll learn of not only the nutritional value in 1 serving of Quinoa (1 cup = 170 to 185 g), but also some of the real value (benefits) you get from Quinoa Nutritional Value based on a 2000 calorie diet.Quinoa Nutritional Value – Calories (185.5 kcal)Calorie is the main source of energy that you get from the food you eat. 6 calories is enough to sustain your skeletal muscles and bones and brain’s activities throughout the day! If you eat 1 serving of Quinoa in every meal of the day, you are already sustaining your body the energy it needs to function all day long.Quinoa Nutritional Value – Total Fat (4g)This makes Quinoa really interesting for weight losers. Of course, you cannot escape from taking in fats, forever. In fact you should not totally avoid them because they are needed for body maintenance – brain development in children, and growth support and energy. Fats are also for soft skin and shiny hair. Not to mention, fats are also needed by the body when producing hormones.Quinoa Nutritional Value – Cholesterol (0mg)Oh yes, you’re seeing it right. 1 cup of Quinoa does not contain cholesterol. Cholesterol is like fat in terms of health benefits. But don’t fret you already have the fats you need, you won’t need additional which will come from cholesterol.Quinoa Nutritional Value – Sodium (13mg)Nutritionists and doctors advise us to take 1500mg or less sodium a day. So hurray! You can eat 3 servings of Quinoa (1 for each meal) a day together with another one of your favorite dish, without consuming so much sodium (just make sure the other dishes you’re pairing Quinoa with contains 500mg of sodium each).Quinoa Nutritional Value – Carbohydrates (29g)Carbohydrates from Quinoa are good carbs. They are slow releasing, making your craving for junk foods lower. In a 2000 calorie diet, you should be taking in 250g of carbohydrates. In one cup of Quinoa, you are almost getting the right proportion of carbohydrates per calories your body needs. The level of carbohydrates is also ideal for diabetics in correcting the level of their blood sugars.Quinoa Nutritional Value – Protein (8g)Each day, you’ll need around 40-50g of protein. The good thing about protein from Quinoa is that it has a balanced composition of all the essential amino acids that are needed by the body to alleviate diseases and disorders. It is known to combat anxiety, control ADD in both the adultQuinoa Nutritional Value – Calcium (66mg)2500mg of calcium a day is safe, as per scientists and doctors. No one has overdosed in calcium yet, in fact, most of us are calcium deficient. But nonetheless, we don’t need this much calcium. Eight ounce glasses of milk per day, then you are already getting enough calcium. 1 ounce of milk contains about 35mg of calcium. This means you are already getting almost double the amount of calcium in an ounce of milk when you eat 1 cup of Quinoa. Hmm, talk about healthy!Quinoa Nutritional Value – Iron (3.93mg)Iron is the chief component of our red blood cells. It is necessary for producing hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the one that carries oxygen throughout our body. The amount of iron that a pre-menopausal woman needs is 18mg. A post-menopausal woman needs 8mg, same with men; breastfeeding women need 1 more mg; pregnant women need a lot of iron (27mg)! If you eat Quinoa, you are already sure you have 1/6 or 1/3 the iron you need.Quinoa Nutritional Value – Vitamin E (1.2mg)Vitamin E is very abundant in grains and green leafy vegetables; and just a trivia, Quinoa is a quasi-grain. It is really a vegetable, just like spinach. We need at least 15mg of Vitamin E a day. Vitamin E protects us from harmful free radicals because it is an antioxidant. Quinoa already makes sure you get a dose of some Vitamin E already.Quinoa Nutritional Value – Zinc (2mg)Usually, zinc is found in meats, and not in grains. Imagine eating a grain that already provides you with zinc, that’s something rare. Zinc provides stronger immunity, helps heal wounds faster and promotes good eyesight when you age. The usual amount of zinc that a person needs is 15mg daily.Quinoa Nutritional Value – Fiber (2.51g)Ok, you already know Quinoa is not really a grain. But who cares? It contains fiber anyway. You need around 15-30 grams per day. Fiber is the nutrition that is helping our body increase bowel movement – making you burn those fats faster and easier. Another trivia is that fiber lowers women’s risk of developing breast cancer by a huge percent.
CPA Advertising – A Better Choice For Low Budget Online Advertising
Just like any information medium, the internet cannot survive without the advertisers. Most websites and online services are fueled by advertisement. For business newbie’s, the internet is one of the most cost-efficient ways to reach a larger number of potential customers and to increase sales.Cost-per-action (CPA) advertising is an online marketing process where the advertiser only pays whenever an action that is indicated in their advertisement has been made like sign up a registration form or buys a product. For instance, a client is asked to sign up a form with their e-mail address and zip code, when they submit the form, the client will be paid by the advertiser.Unlike the traditional cost-per-click (CPC) model for marketing where an advertiser has to pay for every click or view of their advertisement without the assurance of getting a lead or if a product would be sold, CPA is a much better choice for low budget advertisers.CPA advertising is strictly a performance-based advertising. There is more assurance that the money that an advertiser pays for advertising will be converted into profit unlike assuming that a product will be sold by just seeing the advertisements.In CPA advertising, a return of investment is also assured especially for an up starting company or individual who is only starting to build a business. It is also an effective way of reaching out to a larger number of prospective customers without expanding the limits of a business’ resources.A CPA network takes charge of the CPA advertising. The network pays out affiliates in exchange for their traffic from the agreed fees from the advertisers for the cost-per-lead or cost-per-sale. Conversions-meaning conversion of advertisement to leads (visitor to a site that discloses personal information in order to be approached for a product to be sold) or sale of products-are dependent on the traffic while at the same time; the network is dependent on conversions. More conversions mean larger revenues for both the network and the advertiser.It is best to take note that an advertiser must make sure to provide a high quality product to produce high-conversion rate for the product or service being sold. In this way, a CPA network will immediately approve an advertiser’s application especially when one is new in the business.Because a company or businessman can save in this kind of advertising, more likely, they can save more for their online advertisement campaign and use their savings for other aspects in their campaign.Because this kind of advertisement is also being utilized by major branded corporations, it can also be used by companies as testing grounds for the effectiveness of their advertisement before launching into a major advertisement campaign.Whether an advertiser relies on CPA advertisement or not, the success of a high rate of sold products by advertisement does not rely on the mode of advertisement but on how the product is packaged for the consumers to buy the product. Keep on track and see if what’s best for a business’ advertising needs.